ID #1107

Error codes to check if SQL service is not getting started

top" width="108">Status Code top" width="403">Description
top" width="111">0x03 top" width="403">Error starting shared memory support
top" width="114">0x04 top" width="403">All protocols disabled
top" width="116">0x0A top" width="403">Unable to initialize the TCP/IP listener
top" width="118">0x1C top" width="403">Server configured to listen on a specific IP address in a cluster environment
top" width="119">0x1E top" width="403">Duplicate IP address detected in network
top" width="120">0x35 top" width="403">Error starting named pipe support
top" width="121">0x36 top" width="403">

Error starting VIA support

top" width="121">0x38 top" width="403">Error obtaining or using the Certificate for SSL
top" width="121">0x3A top" width="403">Unable to initialize the communication listeners
top" width="121">0x40 top" width="403">Unable to initialize the Shared Memory listener
top" width="121">0x50 top" width="403">Unable to initialize the Named Pipe listener
top" width="121">0x60 top" width="403">Unable to initialize the VIA listener
top" width="121">0x70 top" width="403">Unable to initialize the HTTP listener
top" width="121">0x80 top" width="403">Unable to initialize SSL support

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