ID #1278

How safe are eScan updates from hackers? What is the what is the encryption algorithm (if any)?

How safe are eScan updates from hackers? What is the what is the encryption algorithm (if any)?


Answer : -

1. All local communications (for tasks and policies) from eScan clients to eScan 
Server are via SSL (eScan’s Apache based webserver uses https/SSL bases

2. All communication from eScan to its update servers on the Internet are http based. These updates are encrypted. The encryption being used is a custom designed algorithm (somewhat akin to AES in CBC or Block Cipher mode). All update files are only containers, with the files/contents inside the container themselves being encrypted.

Both of the above are very safe, since apart from the encryption, the updates carry signatures, which can be recognized ONLY by the local updater program.


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